Caring Fans Dine with Michelle Snow and Erin Thorn

Amanda Weisbacker and her son Nick, two loyal Sky fans from Hanover Park, recently bid on and won an auction item from the Sky Cares table at a recent Sky game. The auction item was for dinner with two Sky players.

On Thursday, September 2, 2011, Amanda and Nick enjoyed dinner at Cheesecake Factory and spent the evening getting to know forward Michelle Snow and guard Erin Thorn. Nick a freshman in high school got to learn about Michelle and Erin�s experience in school and their travels overseas in the offseason. There were many laughs throughout the dinner and Amanda and Nick got to see a different side of the players that most fans don�t get the opportunity to see.

We are happy to report that Amanda and Nick will be returning next season to cheer on Michelle and Erin and the rest of the Sky as season ticket holders�welcome to the Skyriders!

To learn more about how you can bid on lunch/dinner with a Sky player or coach visit the Sky Cares table on the concourse at games or visit the community page on .